As a Avanthi Degree & PG College alumnus, you are already a part of the global Avanthi Alumni Community. However, membership with your Avanthi Degree & PG College Alumni Association allows you to stay better connected and makes our college stronger. Your Alumni Association supports many valuable programs, services and scholarships, all of which is made possible by the support of alumni like yourself.

We aim to strengthen relationships between Avanthi alumnae, students, and soon-to-be alumnae while maximizing potential in both personal and professional lives.

Alumni Speak…

What We Offer

The College prides itself in providing students with a challenging and excellent Graduate & Under Graduate educational program almost invariably leading to the success of individual student

Executive Education


Post Graduate Admissions


Continuing Education


Career Growth

  • Our Alumni Locator Service assists with reconnecting alumni who have lost contact with one another. We always ensure your privacy and contact information is only disclosed upon approval and verification by both parties.
  • Our Alumni Locator Service assists with reconnecting alumni who have lost contact with one another. We always ensure your privacy and contact information is only disclosed upon approval and verification by both parties.
  • Our Alumni Locator Service assists with reconnecting alumni who have lost contact with one another. We always ensure your privacy and contact information is only disclosed upon approval and verification by both parties.